Auto Glass Repair in New Orleans, LA
Auto Glass Repair in New Orleans, LA
Having a damaged car window or windshield is an unexpected and unwelcome event.
When you have a rock chip, or any kind of crack that is smaller than the size of a quarter, chances are your auto glass can be repaired. We can usually repair your windshield in 30 minutes or less. Other auto glass repairs can take longer. Before you replace your auto glass, if the crack is no longer that 3 inches, check into having it repaired instead.
Repairing your windshield or auto glass is also a good value. Most insurance companies will waive your deductible, leaving no costs for you, should you decide to repair your auto glass as opposed to replacing it.
For all of your auto glass repair needs, call Jazz Auto Glass and Tint - the local auto glass repair experts!
Customer Review
"Darren is THE MAN!! Quoted 169 for a camry front passenger window. 184 after tax. All done within an hour and a half. Best experience, friendly staff. With insurance, I was looking at around $400-500 from other nearby businesses. He even cleaned up the glass for me."
-Julianne Robertson
Our Specialities
Online only deal -Starting at All Cars $159
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